Scout Ranks
The ultimate goal in Scouting is to reach the rank of Eagle. To do so, Scouts have to complete requirements that allow them to move on to a higher rank. The Scouts work at their own pace to achieve the next rank in line. However, when they reach the age of 18, they are not considered youths anymore and cannot complete any other requirements.
There are seven ranks in Scouting.

Merit Badge Resources
For more information about merit badge requirements and workshops to sign up for on your own see below.
The Path To Eagle
Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Scouting. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a big deal because in order to achieve it, a Scout has to put in a lot of hard work, dedication and service to others. In addition, reaching the highest rank is a valuable experience that will continue to follow you in your journey. Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.
It is not easy to become an Eagle Scout. A candidate must complete all the following requirements:
Requirement 1: Earn the first six ranks of Scouting (minimum one year to complete). Be active in your troop at least six months as a Life Scout.
Requirement 2: Live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List individuals you know personally that are willing to provide you a recommendation.
Requirement 3: Earn a total of 21 merit badges, 14 of which are standard for all Eagles: Camping, Cooking, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Family Life, First Aid, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, either Environmental Science or Sustainability, either Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving, and either Swimming, Hiking or Cycling.
Requirement 4: While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of six months in one or more positions of responsibility. You may combine more than one position’s months of service to fulfill this requirement. No leadership time before becoming a Life Scout counts for this requirement.
Requirement 5: While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community.
Requirement 6: While a Life Scout, take part in a Scoutmaster Conference. Prepare a statement of your ambitions and life purpose. Prepare a listing of leadership positions held, honors and awards.
Other: Complete and sign Eagle Scout Rank Application.
Obtain signatures on Eagle Application from your Scoutmaster and Committee Chair.
Review Eagle Application and Eagle book with a District representative.
Complete an Eagle Board of Review.